Monday, June 13, 2005

Wiki, Wiki

Newspapers are only a one-way medium, right? The journalists write them and we read them. Well, that used to be the case -- but check this out (via Will):

(Via Ross Mayfield) The Los Angeles Times says that it's going to start letting its readers compose editorials via a wiki:

Watch next week for the introduction of "wikitorials" — an online feature that will empower you to rewrite Los Angeles Times editorials.

Wikis are excellent composition tools. Basically, they're webpages that anyone can edit. (Here's an encyclopedia that is being built on a wiki -- anyone can add to it at any time.)

Can you imagine the potential for collaborative writing in our classrooms? I've started a wiki-poem -- come and write it with me. (Just click on the "Edit-Me" button in the wiki to add or edit.)

How do your students write or work collaboratively in your classrooms?

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