Tuesday, June 09, 2009

This Blog is Dying... Celebrate!

As we move up in the world, or out, or whatever... we are moving into the world of Ning, a social network for ALL Writing Project people. It allows discussions, groups, events posting AND blogging. So really, the SI is moving and taking up shop elsewhere. Please join us...

Come on down to... www.csuwritingproject.ning.com and join the fun. Start bringing your thoughts, etc there. It's way cooler. And... I'm personally using it with my students next year. Come see what we are doing.


Sunday, May 10, 2009


Are we teaching students to hate reading? Read Readicide.

Browse the book online: Readicide.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Charter School Teacher Job Fair at Peak to Peak

My school, Peak to Peak Charter School in Lafayette, CO, is pleased to announce the first annual Charter School Teacher Job Fair, to be held Saturday, March 14, 2009, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on the Peak to Peak campus. (This is a change from the original date.) This is the only teacher job fair in Colorado exclusively for charter schools.

Most charter schools are able to hire teachers regardless of whether or not they hold teaching credentials. Come interview with school representatives from charter schools in Colorado and neighboring states.

Peak to Peak Charter School is located thirty minutes north of Denver, just east of Boulder in Lafayatte.

For more information, please visit the job fair website or email me directly at megan.freeman@bvsd.org.